Most Dangerous Weapons You Can Legally Own in the US- 엄청난 수렵용 총! 1발로 물새 50마리~~~

Punt Gun The punt gun is basically a huge shotgun that was widely used in the 19 th and early 20 th centuries to hunt large numbers of waterfowl for commercial harvesting operations. While these weapons were often custom-made and thus vary widely in their size, their bore diameters often exceeded 2 inches (51 mm) and they fired over a pound of shot at a time. The strange offspring of a cannon and a shotgun, punt guns were often mounted to a boat as the recoil would probably kill someone who tried to fire it unmounted. A single shot from a punt gun could kill over 50 birds. 19세기말~ 20세기 초 널리 사용됐던 총열 지름은 2인치 ( 51mm ) . 아마 산탄총인듯. 1번 발사로 50마리 새를 잡을수 있었답니다.